Listing policies
To make sure buyers have a great experience when they buy from you, we’ve put in place some rules and guidelines for listing items on Leavero.
Find out everything you need to know about what’s allowed in listings, as well as information on how to have an easier and more successful selling experience, in our detailed policy guidelines below.

I'm not sure whether the item I'm selling is allowed on Leavero. Where can I learn more?

There are some items that, due to legal restrictions or Leavero rules, we don’t allow or that can only be listed under certain conditions. If you’re not sure whether your item is allowed, our Prohibited and restricted items policy has more details on what you can and can’t sell.

Why was my listing removed?

To keep Leavero a safe place, sometimes we remove listings that violate our policies. If we remove your listing, we’ll send you an email to your Messages and to your registered email address explaining why

I can't find my listings on the site. What's happened?

If you can’t find your listings they may have been removed if they violated one of our policies. However, if you haven’t received an email from us about removing your listings, it’s possible they’re just not ranking high up in search results. To help improve your search ranking, be as descriptive as possible when you create your listings. Write a clear title and description, list your item in the right category, and fill out all item specifics suggested for your item
To make sure you’re giving potential buyers an accurate representation of your items, and that you’re not infringing on anyone else’s content rights, you should write your own descriptions and use your own images, or use any that Leavero offers to you from the Leavero catalog.
To make sure buyers have a clear understanding of shipping charges and delivery times, all sellers must provide clear and accurate information in their listings about where their item is located.
All listings on Leavero have to offer a physical item or a tangible service or digital item. Listings that are blank, or don’t offer a tangible item or service, aren’t allowed because they can cause confusion for buyers and increase the risk of fraud.
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